Change is a scary thing. The fear of the unknown. The anxiety of what’s to come. But it’s how we deal with change and how we strive to make our own changes as we embark upon a new journey that matters.
Today was a surreal day. We all have our opinions about this next Presidency, but one thing is for sure. America is a great country but it’s the people that make it so great. And it’s not about the power that the people have. It’s about the melting pot of cultures, a land borne on immigrants like our new First Lady, the differences that create so many towns and cities we should encourage others to visit in the U.S. It’s about teaching our children to be kind and give thanks. It’s about the American dream of owning your own business or making a good living for doing good work. We may have a new leader that does not share our opinions or values, but we can still do things each day that will enable this country to continue to grow, and not be set back 100 years.
It’s all about how we choose to treat one another, as people. We will be faced with trying times in the coming months but if we stick together, help one another, devote our spare time to initiatives that can show the youth of this country not to be scared, but to take any fears they have and use it as the fire in their soul to accomplish their goals and dreams. No one person should ever let you feel that you can’t achieve something that you put your mind to. So get involved with your local and state governments, volunteer as a Big Brother or Big Sister at, one of the best decisions I have ever made, and keep America the open, free and giving country it has always been. #ItIsUpToAllOfUs #Indivisible