Hard to believe another year has gone by and we are heading into 2018 in just a few short days. The past year has been one of the wildest, craziest, most fun and adventurous years of my life. College years were pretty amazing but having my career, family and friends to share this all with has made the ride so much sweeter at 36.
Reinventing myself. Creating the life I always dreamed about. Finding inner peace and happiness. Being free to be me. Stumble as I may, I pick myself back up every time. Sometimes a little help is needed along the way to remind me why I’m here, but I can always count on the Universe for that. I am grateful for every single thing that has brought me to this exact moment in my life and for the realization that you can rise above any pain, suffering or obstacle that gets in your way.
To think that in the last year I got divorced, left behind a life I had known for the last 10 years to move to Brooklyn, met some incredible new people, strengthened existing friendships, spent more time with family and created more amazing memories with all those I hold dear makes my heart feel incredibly full. It was one of the most difficult times of my life that I was determined to turn into one of the best times of my life. I had endured the pain and suffering of losing my mom just a few years before that, and I knew nothing would ever hurt as badly as that did. To all those that have lost a loved one, you know all too well the feeling of your heart being ripped out of your chest. But pain is only temporary. The scar left behind is what never fades. But that’s OK, because these scars are actually a beautiful reminder of how much you loved and cared for that person, and that no matter where you go a little piece of them is always with you. In your heart, in your mind, in your soul.
As you embark upon this next 365-day revolution around the sun, remember that every day you are given is a gift. A gift to learn, explore, educate, celebrate, empower, spread love and light to everyone you meet. It is never too late to make all your dreams come true. Your reality is a direct result of your thoughts and actions. Envision the life you want to live, truly believe in it and the universe will listen. Focus your mind and energy on positive momentum – take care of yourself, be compassionate to others, fulfill your responsibilities and be grateful for all that you have. Life is always changing and it’s so important how you react. Don’t let it break you, let it make you. Don’t get discouraged by a bad day or two. We all have them and I actually find them quite necessary sometimes. Those dark days remind you how beautiful it is when the sun shines again. As you appreciate more, you receive more in return. Take time to enjoy the journey. I wish you all peace, love, positivity and a New Year filled with health and happiness.
My favorite blog post yet! xx