Despite my efforts to try and stay in shape since the pandemic hit, I admittedly gained the “Quarantine 15”. I definitely did my share of stress eating and now I’m focused on working it off. I could never give up carbs completely and am a believer that moderation is the key to life, so I have been trying a lower carb diet and tracking what I eat in the My Fitness Pal app. This app is a great way to see how many calories, carbs, fat, protein and sodium you are eating each day and certainly has helped curb a lot of my mindless eating throughout the day. By tracking what I eat and setting realistic goals around calorie and carb intake to try and drop those unwanted pounds around my midsection, I hold myself accountable for what I put in my body each day.
I got a physical in early March and found out I have high cholesterol, which unfortunately runs in my family, so I am going to have to work extra hard to get it back down to avoid going on a daily medication for it. This means I need to try my best to get at least 30 min of exercise 4-5 days a week. I bought an indoor exercise bike on Amazon a couple of months ago and I try to start my day by getting on that for 20-30 min, before I eat breakfast or start working. The days go by insanely fast but making this time in the morning has become just as important as the meetings I attend or the time I make for friends and family. I’m also trying to lift weights, albeit 5-10 pounds, to build strength and muscle tone and practice yoga daily, even if it’s only for 10 min to stretch my muscles and improve my circulation.
As my 40th birthday is fast approaching, I realize how important it is to take care of my body, mind and soul so I can be the best version of me and give my all to those around me. It’s never too late to set new health and fitness goals for yourself. Don’t beat yourself up if you have an off day. Everyone needs to indulge now and then and I will certainly continue to enjoy pizza, pasta and of course wine, just in moderation and as a reward for staying true to my fitness goals. Restrictive diets will never get you results long term. Stay focused on eating nutritious foods that will provide you with the energy you need to get some exercise everyday. Find a routine that makes you feel happier and healthier. It’s the best gift you can give yourself.